Sunday, May 3, 2009

Can America Recover?

I was born in the 1940's and over the years I have grown to know some things about my country. I have seen the quality of it's leadership slowly deteriorate over the years. Many of our freedoms trodden in the dust,small business impossible to create and grow and the American dream resembling more of a nightmare. Americans have become so displaced and burdened with government and the decisions it has made that many have become complacent and prefer not to even participate in the election system, I personally know people who don't vote yet are vocal about political affairs,but that, in itself a good thing because our will is not completely broken. Likely gone are the days when we as a people of common ground or accord could decide between statesmen to handle our affairs as a sacrament to the public trust. Nor do I feel the upwelling of strength enough to throw off our bondings and address this nation in such mass as only seen in third world starving nations. Yet it begins, it begins with people feeling lost and left out with urges to horde and prepare for some as yet unknown happening. I don't see the people pouring out of the hills with guns as the Appalachians did or those in Boston and new england. I get a sense of "less urgency, lets wait for a Messiah feeling". Well it ain't happening folks, What your likely to see is someone from the Homeland Security kicking your door down because you were protesting within so many feet of a government occasion and drag you off to rot in some unknown place out of the way, making fear the number one weapon being used against Americans. Will it take the loss of one more right, or two until people feel united again? By design fracture and confuse and conquer is a common ploy used by many powerful people who would have the world to do their bidding. If it takes money for you to ignore whats going on around you, well here, take some we make it everyday, and we will make as much as it takes because we don't need it to rule you, we've taken your sons and daughters and turned them into killing machines who will march down your street and shoot you, because thats what we trained them to do. In the name of civil order your government will allow you to have your guns, but regulate your ammunition. They will render you immobile by cutting off your gas supply, They will regulate your food, because they are big business, they will hound you with this strain of flu or salmonella attacks, tainted drugs and unfair laws. They have created enemies where none stood, lied their way into war, all to say "You need us". As of now we have a nation so dependent on its government that with the sum of all of its parts, it can still control, without that collection, or states right to secession, also listed under the tenth amendment, it would die off like a cancer having been told to pack up their belongings and go home, go home to your constituents whom you betrayed whilst the states would form another republic, one in hopes it would hold and control as originally intended and served us so well for years. Far fetched as it sounds, its how the system was designed to work, ultra problematic and next to imposable to accomplish. Hundreds of thousands federal employees thrown out of work, services halted, armies disbanded, commerce grinds to a halt crime intensifies and government programs, even the good ones. Mail almost useless now with the electronic age, social welfare programs people depend on couldn't stutter without cost of lives and any number of problems would prevent that tactic from ever working. We as a nation, even one united could not endure what it would take to quick fix our nation. Can America Recover? Sure we can, American's help put us here, we are guilty of expecting too much, giving our kids everything they wanted and raised a nation of spoiled fat people who took liberty way to lightly spent to much time on racial hate and money loathing. What ever problem popped up we threw money at it. We kept doing the same things and solutions, as Einstein had suggested, expecting different results. My children suffered corporal punishment when they knowingly mis-behaved and I wasn't jailed and my children stayed out of trouble and bore me grandchildren who have their hand slapped when they reach for a hot stove. My poor grandmother would be serving life if present law were applied then. We have hard work ahead, we are faced with a system whereas anyone charismatic enough with a lot of money can become president or less, who serves a personal agenda can fool a lot of the people a lot of the time.

I wish for a time when we can forget parties and focus on issues that effect us all and who is best suited to gather around them the people who can serve the public trust in solving these problems without the bullshit of race, religion or political orientation and forget the Ass or elephant and remember the person having to sleep under a bridge or tent cities or not buying medication to pay their power bill. I wish for a time that justice is fair, and law abiding citizens are allowed to restart the mom and pop nation we grew up with by being allowed to compete with Wally-World and Shell Stop N Go by keeping a larger portion of their earnings and not be burdened with taxation with or without representation. I wish for a nation NOT owned by government but one that answers to people who ask questions and questions intentions and not bought and sold statements from tainted media who's driving force is shock and awe for ratings.
In short, if you believe as I do that America has within its borders, people, regardless of ethnic orientation capable of bolstering the values this nation was founded on, possessing moral consensuses, regardless of wealth, urge them to stand up, speak up and exercise your and their rights to change this country one step at a time...

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