Monday, October 5, 2009

Is America's Legislature a Slaughterhouse for Liberity?

Rep. Price’s remark: “The protest rally is a declaration by a new generation of patriots to carry that torch of liberty to take our country back.” Sen. DeMint suggested that, “It is time that the President started listening to us.”This was a description used for the Recent "Tea Party" that was attended by some estimates reaching 200,000 participants in Sept. this year.
Less then a year into the Obama administration House Bill are flying through with legislation revoking or effectively altering many of our rights. I have never seen such carnage in my life time.

I was born during WWII and read about the nuclear bombs on Japan, learned of the Holocaust in Germany, saw my dad off to the Korean conflict experienced the invention of the black and white television and traveled by train and bus. I visited foreign countries as a military brat and I broke my back skinning trees. I learned a foreign language and spoke it well. I have seen UFOs and played cowboys and Indians and no one died, and had a Joe Plooka punching bag, and rode sticks for horses. I have smoked rabbit tobacco and grape vine, marijuana and once took a toke of hash. Saw people die, even my dad when I was 12, I have been bitten by dogs, horses, cats, turtles, rabbits, squirrels, fish, snakes and humans and other of Gods creations to numerous to mention. I have witnessed injustice more then anyone should, been called names just because I am white and I have been beaten for no reason. I have had people try to kill me and I took a job willing to kill people for my country with no questions ask. I have witnessed assassination and cover-up of political figures and seen the guilty go free and the free die. I saw Sputnik with my dad, and moon landings resulting in giant leaps for mankind, and discoveries that marvel the imagination. I have dug up arrow heads and cried for native Americans, I have hitch-hiked and escaped sexual predators because I was savoy and recognize things extraordinary. I have exercised as many rights as needed and defended those of others. I am indebted to many, even some who don't know I am, and I am in love with thoughts of those who have passed. I refuse to hate, prefer to change and always willing to listen. Selfishly value my own thoughts, offer opinions only when ask and always try to be tactfully truthful.

In the last ten years I have witnessed the attack on all of our liberties through lies and deception that is unprecedented in the history of this country. The call go's out to all Americans, look around and ask yourself what is happening, what has changed, what control do you now have? What can you do to preserve American values? Who speaks for who? Time to stand up and be counted for what is our only chance to take our country back from the hands of those who would willingly sell our country for power and monetary gain..

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