Sunday, April 18, 2010

How the Media hide or witheld the truth

For me it was local politics that sounded the first alarm for me. The Governor's race in the state Of Alabama, had closely resembled the Presidential race with backdoor politics and claims of victory at a time that no one was sure.The numbers just didn't add up. But somehow although a foul was claimed it was somehow squelched and it was politics a usual.
We settled into a period of time when it seemed we watched subtle intrusions on some of our fundamental rights, and the debate rang on with subjects like abortion and whether a women had the right to decide what she was able to do with her own body. The right to bare arms was challenged in many areas of this nation, even in this country's capitol of Washington that right was taken away until it was brought before a judge who had read the Constitution and ran across it in the second amendment. After the questionable event of 9/11 things went haywire and a flood of events began to happen, the creation of Homeland Security, and its failure when a visit from a storm named Katrina visited our continent. The ridiculous summation of the Warren Commission was an event that evidenced the extent that Congress would go to insult our intelligence.

Then the war on terror was launched with little evidence and a lot of anger that has to this day offered no clear solutions while at the same time polarized Muslims from all over the world with hatred for Americans. Then The Patriot Act with its sweeping governmental authority and invasions of privacy to the extent that it gave everyone paranoia . America watched as war death tolls added up, suicides increased and we learned new words like embedded, IE D's enemy combatants and WMD's .
Where was the media all this time?, well most of them were being manipulated by officials and the truth about many things was being ignored and while some reporting of the truth was getting through the reporting of the truth was not what most people were being told. The ones who would report the truth were being labeled as reactionaries, extremist's and were quickly ostracized.
The nation was ready for change and many were ready for a lynching so by the time America saw a new administration, banks had collapsed company to big to fail did indeed and bail outs after bail outs and the rich never skipped a beat. America, thinking things were beginning to better, car companies fail, and jobs are lost by the hundreds of thousands and the housing market, taking the hit from the bail out families were being thrown out of their houses because they couldn't make their mortgage payments. Americans, being who they are demonstrated everywhere, and were quickly called un-American, and racists leftists and many other names, the formed parties, TEA, GOOOH, and America is fractured but clear on intent, and with the right elements in place this next election will prove to be one of extreme interest.

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